"> MULLAR TEX LTD. A Compliance source of Label & Tag | Compliance | Code of Conduct ::


Mullar Tex Limited is committed to maintain a Code of Conduct in its work places. Mullar Tex Limited has sought to ensure that, all products are manufactured in very good working conditions with meaningful job and providing all customers with high quality of products. Our goal is to create and encourage the creation of model facilities. That not only provide good job at fair rates of pay, but also improve the workers’ health and safety environment, working hours etc. Mullar Tex Limited must respect and comply with national and international laws and regulations.

Child Labour : Mullar Tex Limited policy is to discourage and not to support the use of child labour as defined by local law and ILO convention. Mullar Tex Ltd. does not employ any worker below the age of 18 years old.
Forced Labour : Mullar Tex Ltd. does not support the use of forced labour, bonded or involuntary labour. Also Mullar Tex Ltd. does not keep any deposits for employment.
Harassment and Abuse : Mullar Tex Limited treats employees with respect and dignity. No employee is subjected to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment and abuse. If any such incident takes place, it is dealt through existing disciplinary practices.
Discrimination : Mullar Tex Limited protects and promotes the basic human rights of the work force. Mullar Tex Limited does not encourage or support discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or recruitment, based on race, caste, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, origin, religion, disability, pregnancy or marital status.
Freedom of Association : Mullar Tex Limited’s employees can form any committee and join a trade union of their own choice. Employee is not subjected to intimidation or harassment for this.
Wages & Benefits : Mullar Tex Limited ensures that, wages are paid for a standard working month, which meets the legal standards. Mullar Tex Limited follows the legally approved grading wage structure for the employee. Our minimum wage is Taka 8,000/= (Taka Eight Thousand) which is strictly maintained. Mullar Tex Limited is committed to pay all payments regularly in time.
Working Hours : Mullar Tex Limited complies with the local law and industry standards on working hours. Workers do not require to work in excess of 48 hours per week. In case of more than 48 hours work Over Time, it is done with the concern of workers and is paid at premium rate as per local law. Mullar Tex Limited ensures that, over time remains within legal limit. Minimum 01 (One) hour break is given during daily work period. 01 day weekend in every week is mandatory for all employees.
Health & Safety : Mullar Tex Limited committed to the environment to meet all applicable environmental local laws in the company and striving hard for a better environment at the factory.
Environmental : Mullar Tex Limited provides a safe and healthy working environment to prevent accident and injury to health. We contribute all facilities to the health care needs of the workers. Modern water purification system is in workplace to ensure pure drinking water including the provision of normal and cold water. Sufficient first aid boxes are available. Permanent Nurse and Doctor regularly check-up the health of workers at the premises. Mullar Tex Limited does the best to have adequate ventilation, lighting, toilets, personal protective equipment’s, firefighting and safety equipment’s. Fire training provided and fire drills carried out in the premises and record maintained as per law.